A New model for UX Support

I would like to offer you a new model of UX support, whereby I conduct the work for free – or rather for an agreed upon fraction of the subsequent, measurable benefit to you.

With sophisticated UI design tools now in the hands of everyone on the design and development team, the pursuit of user data to inform and validate your user interface is more important than ever.  And, as I and Deborah Mayhew have shown in two editions of Cost-Justifying Usability, that importance can be quantified in a simple metric, dollars.

I have spent a lifetime — about two decades in industry, then about two more in academia — trying to convince people of the hard-nosed, tangible value of professional, systematic, empirical UX/usability support.  Some got it, some didn’t.  Those who did are glad of it.  Now I’d simply like to show you.

I propose to conduct some UX work for you – user requirements gathering, UI evaluation, user research – for FREE.  And you will later pay me a small percentage of the demonstrated benefit of the work to you.  If there is no benefit to you, there is no benefit to me.

One time my team and I did a piece of UI evaluation for an international company.  The company paid us $14,000.  The ONLY changes they made at that time were those that we recommended.  They later reported to me that “Starting on Day 1 we realized a $200,000 per day bump in revenue.”  That was 18 years ago.  You do the math.  Their pay-back period for their UX investment was “before lunch on the first day.”