Merging, Marriage, Masks, ‘Mpathy, ‘Merica

But when you need to come into town, to go to the doctor or…

The Pendulum Swings Symmetrically

I forgot to read the books on how to be a parent of an…

Opie’s Empty Nest (from Loving Fatherhood)

The only way I ever learned anything about being a father…

Two Beautiful Easter Deaths

May I tell you about them, please?

Spring Broke (from Loving Fatherhood)

The baseball strike forced us to go skiing.

In Praise of Old Women

Let me say right up front that I am exhausted by women…

American Football Field

How to Estimate — Mansplained

“I’ll be there in five minutes.”  How far away are you?…


It Takes a Village

Don’t wait until people are in their 80s to communicate…