So, I’m taking an Information Security online course provided by my organization. The course is required, and all eight modules must be completed. How many times would you guess I have to specify what my preferred language is?
- Zero, because they can see I’ve taken all other courses over the last 18 years in the same language.
- Once, because they wish not to jeopardize any security by mining any of my previous work. And, once will be enough because, you know, computers.
- Eight, because when the course creators built each module they couldn’t’ve possibly known that all modules were going to be required and presented in the same course.
I’m sorry, you got it wrong. The correct answer is nine, because they ask that question at the beginning of any course because, well, we always have and we are inclusive, and once for each of the modules because we were too phucking lazy to write the two extra lines of code to carry that information over, and really, my time isn’t that important anyway.
Let’s see – 30,000 employees, times three seconds to read and click on the “English” button, times eight extraneous requests, doot doot doot [Univac sound], that would be 25 person-hours wasted for my organization (for this one course, for this one year).